What is the PE and Sport Premium?

The PE and Sport Premium is Government funding given to schools to improve the quality and breadth of PE and sport provision. The aim is to increase the number of pupils who participate in all kinds of physical activity, to ensure access to a broader range of sports and activities, to increase skill and talent in competitive sports so that pupils reach the performance levels that they are capable of and to improve the physical literacy and well being of our pupils. Schools must provide parents with information to allow them to compare how this money is spent.

How much money does the school receive?

Each school in the country receives a flat rate and an amount per pupil. 

What have we used this additional money for?

The school is allowed to decide how to spend this money. This year, we have spent some money in partnership with Bishop Challoner Catholic College, which allows us to access their facilities and planned sporting events, but most importantly, buy into their specialised Continuing Professional Development offer for staff. By using this, we can ensure that our staff have the most up-to-date training in how to teach Physical Education. We offer an increased range of sporting after-school provisions such as football, tennis, tag rugby, cricket, fitness, multi-skills etc, both at lunchtime and after school. The clubs will change depending on the availability of external providers, the time of the year and demand from pupils. SS John & Monica's is increasing the range and quantity of sporting events we participate in with other schools, such as athletics competitions, that allow pupils to develop a spirit of competition and fair play.



% of Year 6 pupils achieving Swimming and Water Safety National Requirements




Restricted Due to Covid-19








Each year, we report on specific details about how the year's money has been spent and the impact (see below).

P.E. and Sports Premium

Updated: 25/04/2024 44 KB
Updated: 18/04/2023 41 KB